Georgia Independence Day

Georgia Independence Day is an important holiday in the nation of Georgia, celebrated every May 26th. It marks the day in 1918 when Georgia declared its independence from the Russian Empire after centuries of foreign rule. It is a day of national pride for Georgians, as it honors the country’s history and celebrates its freedom as a sovereign nation. On this day, Georgians come together to commemorate the occasion with ceremonies, parades, and special events.

International Week Of Solidarity With The Peoples Of Non-Self-Governing Territories

The International Week of Solidarity with the Peoples of Non-Self-Governing Territories is a week-long event that serves to raise awareness and honor the struggles of those living in non-self-governing territories around the world. The week is an opportunity for people to come together and show their support for the rights of those living in these territories. It also serves as a reminder of the need for increased respect for the right to self-determination for those living in non-self-governing territories.

National Italian Beef Day

National Italian Beef Day is celebrated every year on May 13th to honor the iconic Chicago sandwich. The sandwich consists of tender, thinly sliced beef that is slow-roasted in Italian spices and either dipped in gravy or served on an Italian roll. Italian beef is a beloved part of Chicago’s food culture and National Italian Beef Day is a day to celebrate its deliciousness!

National Cellophane Tape Day

National Cellophane Tape Day is an annual event celebrated on October 31st. It was created to recognize the invention of cellophane tape and its impact on society. Celebrations include using cellophane tape to make crafts, having contests for the most creative cellophane tape use, and displaying the many uses of cellophane tape that can be found around the home.

National Road Trip Day

National Road Trip Day is an annual celebration of the joys of hitting the open road. Celebrated on June 29th each year, it’s a chance to get out and explore the world around you, whether it’s a short journey to the next town or a cross-country drive. It’s a day to plan a special excursion with friends and family, or simply take a solo drive and get lost in your own thoughts. So whether you’re a seasoned traveler or an armchair adventurer, National Road Trip Day is the perfect time to take a break and hit the road.

National Hairstylist Mental Health Awareness Day

National Hairstylist Mental Health Awareness Day is an event that was created to help raise awareness about the mental health of those in the hairstyling industry. This special day is dedicated to increase the visibility of mental health resources and to provide support for those who may be struggling. It is an opportunity to raise awareness and show support for your fellow hairstylists.

National Don’T Fry Day

National Don’t Fry Day is an annual event held each year on the Friday before Memorial Day. The purpose of the day is to spread awareness about the dangers of overexposure to the sun and to encourage people to practice sun safety. National Don’t Fry Day is sponsored by the National Council on Skin Cancer Prevention and the US Environmental Protection Agency. It is a great opportunity to remind people to wear sunscreen, hats, and protective clothing when spending time outdoors.

National Sorry Day

National Sorry Day is an annual event held on 26 May in Australia to commemorate and recognise the mistreatment of the country’s Indigenous people, including the Stolen Generations. This day marks an important step towards healing the grief, loss, and trauma caused by the policies of past governments. The day is marked with events, commemorations, and activities to help raise awareness of the history of mistreatment and to work towards reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians.

National Sunscreen Day


National Sunscreen Day, celebrated on May 27th each year, is a national awareness day focused on educating people about the importance of using sunscreen and other sun protection measures to help reduce the risk of skin cancer. It is a day to remind people to take precautions and protect their skin from the sun’s ultraviolet rays.


Shavuot is a Jewish holiday that celebrates the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai. It is celebrated on the sixth day of the Hebrew month of Sivan, usually in May or June. During Shavuot, Jews traditionally read from the Book of Ruth and eat dairy foods such as cheesecake and blintzes. Other customs include all-night Torah study, decorating homes with flowers and greenery, and reciting special prayers.