A solute is a substance that is dissolved in a liquid to form a solution. It is the component of the solution that is present in the lesser amount. On the other hand, a solvent is the component of a solution that is present in the greater amount and is used to dissolve the solute. In other words, the solvent is the medium that the solute is dissolved in. Examples of solvents include water, alcohol, and oil. Examples of solutes include salt, sugar, and acids.

The solute is the substance that is present in the smaller amount and is dissolved by the solvent. The solute is the material that gives the solution its properties and characteristics. The solvent, on the other hand, is the material that the solute is dissolved in and is present in the greater amount. The solvent forms the majority of the solution and is responsible for dissolving the solute. It also helps to carry the solute throughout the solution and helps to maintain the solute in a stable state.